About NoBully

911 Seminars is an authorized Training Center for Solution Team® and Solution Coach®, the best new practices to stop student bullying developed by No Bully, a nationally respected non-profit based in San Francisco. 911 Seminars is also certified to teach Common Sense Parenting, based on the Boys Town Model.

No Bully is a respected San Francisco-based 501(c)(3) non-profit that partners with schools to help them become bully-free learning communites. The rewards that schools typically experience are significant reductions in student bullying, increased inclusiveness and respect, and 11-17% improvements in student academic performance.

No Bully has brought this keynote workshop to hundreds of K-12 school leaders, teachers and counselors wanting inspiration and guidance in how to start the process of school culture change. One to three hours, depending on time.

Keynote Workshop

Bullying and exclusion are perennial challenges in every school, causing students untold suffering, marginalizing diverse youth and exposing schools to the risk of litigation. Educators devote hours to helping children with their peer difficulties, but little seems to change, and punishment typically makes the situation worse.

At this No Bully workshop participants learn the innovative building blocks that visionary schools use to become bully-free under which they

  • Mobilize teachers and parents behind a shared vision of how everyone at your school relates.
  • Integrate Solution Team® and Solution Coach®, the new best practices to stop student bullying.
  • Implement social and emotional learning for all.
  • Create a long-term transformation plan that supports their social vision and ensures the success of their anti-bullying campaign.

“I have never attended a better training then the No Bully How to Make School Bully-Free workshop during my twenty years in education. The information was not only insightful, but with it came practical strategies for dealing with this very serious issue”.
– Mark DeLuca, Dean of Students, Salesian High School.

Workshop for Staffs

This three-hour workshop offers schools an easy first step to becoming bully-free. Bring together all the teachers, staff and volunteers that work at your school to create a common language around bullying and to mobilize their commitment to address it.

In this workshop, participants:

  • Learn to recognize the many faces of bullying (physical, verbal, relational and cyber) and how bullying leads to harassment.
  • Deepen their awareness of the developmental issues that cause bullying to intensify in late childhood and early adolescence and the diversity issues of race, class and non-compliance with gender roles that so often underpin these behaviors.
  • Develop skills through small group discussion, scenarios and role-plays in how to intervene to stop verbal harassment and bullying.

Can you afford an anti-bullying workshop? Student bullying creates an unsafe learning environment, wastes administrator and teacher time, reduces revenue through suspensions, absences, and students withdrawn from school, marginalizes diverse youth, brings the risk of litigation and contributes to scholastic failure.

Many schools pay for this workshop through Title II Federal funding (professional development). The real question, though, is whether your school can afford not to address bullying.

Workshop for Parents and Guardians

Bullying and exclusion are a perennial challenge for every child, making our schools unsafe, marginalizing diverse youth, and compromising the ability of our children to succeed in their careers and future relationships. At this ninety-minute workshop parents and guardians:

  • Learn how to bully-proof their child to avoid the role of bully or victim.
  • Develop skills to Solution Coach® their child through the inevitable social and emotional challenges of friendships and peer relationships.
  • Join with school stafff and parents in a shared goal of making school bully-free.

“Free acceptance in play, partnership, and teams is what matters most to any child… Rejection hurts more than anything else that happens at school.”
– Vivian Paley, the first teacher to win the MacArthur Genius award

In-Service Training Workshop

Student bullying presents an intractable problem for schools. Traditional responses are ineffectual and punishment generally makes things worse. This one-day inservice is for educators and counselors wanting to bring the new best practices to their campuses. Research shows that Solution Team® and Solution Coach® end student bullying in 80 to 90 percent of cases, making these some of the most effective anti-bullying interventions ever. Participants at this in-service will learn:

  • How to lead a team of students through all the stages of a Solution Team® by accessing their empathy to solve the bullying of one of their peers.
  • How to Solution Coach® students away from the role of bully and target using a student centered approach to behavioral change.
  • How to integrate Solution Team® and Solution Coach® into your school’s procedures for dealing with challenging student situations.

“Easy to incorporate into our school day. No crazy products to buy. No DVDs or CDs or posters or anything to purchase. This training was straightforward, data driven, proven strategies. I highly recommend it.”
– Liz Cowgill, School Counselor, Malibu High School

“We’ve run about fourteen Solution Teams this year. Not only has it stopped the bullying in every case, but we are seeing mutual respect now between the students. It taps into the fundamental human value that everyone is good at heart.”
– Greg Barnes, Assistant Principal, Bowditch Middle School

Reserve Your Date!

Please contact us at 911@911seminars.com or call 800-721-8222 to confirm schedule

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